Project Info

Adami Tulu Project

Adami Tulu - What's next? A critically needed add-on project!

As many of you know we have been fundraising with other families to build a new school in Adami Tulu, Ethiopia.  The classroom project was estimated to cost about $35,000 and our teams were $12,000 short of meeting that goal when one of the team members was amazingly blessed with a $12,000 check to completely finish our fundraising goal!!  An AMAZING blessing to say the least!  We were all blown away by this incredible donation.

While we were super excited the original goal had been met, our team ("Williams-Reece") had just begun fundraising for the $35,000 classroom project, and had only raised about $2,500 so far.  We still felt we had so much more we wanted to do in Adami Tulu.  So we went back to Lifesong and asked if there was anything else they needed for the Adami Tulu Project and sure enough a very important latrines was not put in the orginal estimate because they thought the $35K was a BIG enough goal for our teams at the time.  Little did we know HE had a much bigger plan for us! 

We are now eagerly and a little bit anxiously taking on the new goal of raising $7,500 for the new latrines.  Ryan and I had the incredible opportunity to see the school site and see up close the current latrines.  Heartbreaking and sad to say the least.  Could you picture your 2 or 3 year old using these restrooms on a daily basis??  Hot, dusty, dirty and unsanitary???

We hope you will join us in continuing to raise funds for the new latrines at Adami Tulu.    Our wonderful friends and teammates David and Shana Reece and our family is getting ready for some exciting new auctions that you hope you will check out in the very near future.

Below are pictures from Adami Tulu so you too can see how much your donation would mean to the orphan's this incredible school serves.

Current latrines

Beautiful new latrines that will be build if we can raise the $7,500
(photo is from a Lifesong site in Ziway just south of Adami Tulu)

Or to give now.... simply click here.

To read more about Lifesong Adami Tulu Project please see my previous post.